The Agent: Oblivion Class Mod Guide

Charming when they can be seen, and nearly invisible when in shadow. Agents are operatives skilled in deception and avoidance, but trained in self-defense and the use of deadly force. Self-reliant and independent, agents devote themselves to personal goals, or to various patrons or causes.

This post also includes mods for Acrobats, though it’s mostly about Agents

Attributes: Agility, Personality

Skills: Acrobatics, Illusion, Marksman, Mercantile, Security, Sneak, Speechcraft

I really love agents — they come in so many flavors and there’s some great roleplaying potential here. Unfortunately, agents are not so great in vanilla — more than half their skills are borderline useless (acrobatics, mercantile, security, and speechcraft).

This modlist has two purposes: to give agents and agent-like characters more roleplay opportunities and to make agents more viable as a class through skill overhauls. The first part of this post covers mods for agents as a roleplaying opportunity and the second half covers mods for their specific skills.

For all agents, spies, and infiltrators:

TRN One of the Gang

This mod tries to tweak another aspect of gameplay to make Oblivion more immersive. In short, the mod allows the player to actually disguise themselves by putting on an Imperial Legion guard’s uniform.

Some of the Features:

  • Steal, rob, loot, purchase or otherwise acquire Imperial Legion, or townguard armour and disguise yourself as a soldier.
  • 2 Quests for undercover soldiers.
  • Get paid for your work as a guard, go to the garrison paymaster to collect your wages.
  • An immersive forgery experience, with realistic conditions, and surprising results.
  • A realistic Imperial Legion Armoury
  • Secret Legion Tavern for unwinding after a hard day protecting the Empire.

Undercover Overhaul

Go under cover as any faction at all wearing the related armor. Example, wearing a necromancers robe makes you a necromancer, and they wont attack you. Wearing bandit armor makes you a bandit.

The Social Scene

Clothing Matters

Clothing matters. What the player wears may affect the Disposition of NPCs they interact with. Some apparel are illegal and will draw the attention of guards when within cities.

Reworked Race Relations

Fantasy racism simulator 2020


This mod’s aim is to have more consequences to the player’s choices to make each game unique and varied.

My favorite feature from this mod is that NPCs react to your race, class and birthsign and also the quests completed, in good and bad ways.

Agent Subtype: The Vigilante

These agents use their skills to further their goal of ridding Cyrodiil of evil. Laws can be flawed, guards can be corrupt, and the legal system can be full of red-tape and buerocracy. It’s much faster to take things into your own hands.

The Righteous Hitman

This mod lets you defend the innocent by killing dangerous criminals in a “Boondock Saints” kind of way — it’s like the Dark Brotherhood, but for good guys.

Saints Contracts

Shortly: The mod adds few contracts where you must kill several evil people.

The Vertueux

Skilled Assassins, the Vertueux work for the good of Tamriel. However, over the years their numbers and those willing to fund them have dwindled. New threats face the world with few prepared to face them. Will you take up the challenge..?

Imperial Requisition Quests AND/OR Bandit Hunting AND/OR Bounty Quests

Cyrodiil is in a crisis. More and more people with a criminal twist and not many perspectives become members of criminal gangs. Can you help?

Destroy the Dark Brotherhood OR Versus Dark Brotherhood

These mods introduce an alternative quest to joining the Dark Brotherhood: instead, you get to destroy them.

Lynges Dark Brotherhood Assassins

Someone doesn’t want you playing a hero. In fact someone really hates you and wants you dead… Watch out for Dark Brotherhood Assassins and their traps.

Agent Subtype: The Freelancer

This agent subtype is about personal goals. Perhaps your looking to get rich or just to have a good time.

JQ Assassin Quests

Starting from Luther Broad’s Boarding House in the IC, you’ll find a note left by a stranger which asks you to kill a specific person. Should you decide to go through with the request, you’ll be handsomely rewarded, and presented another victim. The assassinations get harder, and the rewards for success are great.

Unfortunately, I can’t find a download link for this mod anymore.

The Butcher

There are reports of disappearances and mutilated bodies in western Cyrodiil. Will you help investigate and put an end to it?

Crime Mystery in Cyrodiil

A dark elf in the Imperial prison claims he’s innocent and you begin investigating the mystery and is soon dragged in more than you would want to be.

Five Blind Mice

Celed Pivot is a distressed high elf currently residing in the ‘Two Sister’s Lodge’ in Skingrad. He has been asking around for several days about the fate of his adventuring troupe, but so far none have neither seen nor heard of the elf’s friends.
It falls to you, either from the good of your heart or the emptiness of your pocketbook, to travel to the Wealdwater Mining Camp and unravel the events that took place there, and the fate of the five wayward adventurers.

The Old Crow Inn

The Old Crow Inn can be found to the west of the Imperial City, near Fort Virtue and the Shrine of Clavicus Vile. To initiate the quest, speak to the innkeeper.


Silvana Veridius is tired of working for the Legion and is seeking help in order to start a private investigations firm.

Note: This mod is incomplete and only has the one quest

Haunted House Quest

At the First Edition, in the Imperial City Market District, you will find a book named “Diary of a dead man”. It tells the horror a rich manor owner has lived. Unfortunately, the story remains blurred and you will have to investigate the manor to find out what really happened.

The Horror in the Village of Kuhn Dah

You find a little village burned down to the ground. Can you find out what happened, and will you be able to punish the ones who did this?

Thievery in the Imperial City

Thievery in the Imperial City Not all merchants in the Imperial City are through and through honest. Derrien Venoit runs the Discount Merchandise in the market district; not only has he no qualms about buying stolen goods, the thieves in the Imperial City know that Derrien even gives tips about where to find worthwhile loot

Adense Dungeon

The entrance to the dungeon lies north of the Imperial City’s stables. An Imperial Legion barricade has been set up outside the portal and the captain warns you that everyone who has gone in there has never returned. Nobody knows what happened to them, but one thing the legionnaires know: strange noises come from the portal and the foul stench of death lies heavy in the air around it. Will you investigate?

Agent Subtype: The Emperor’s Blade

This type of agent would be right at home in Oblivion’s main questline, especially since you get to officially join the Blades Faction when you reach Cloud Ruler Temple. The Blades aren’t just bodyguards — they’re the eyes and ears of the Empire, which fits the Agent perfectly.

Hidden Blades Trainers

Adds Blades spies to each major city, each of whom act as class trainers

Cloud Ruler Temple Alive OR Cloud Ruler Temple Enhanced

Both of these overhaul Cloud Ruler Temple, making it into the Blades headquarters it should be.

Skingrad Blades Sanctuary

Adds a new farmhouse outside the walls of Skingrad. Includes a bed for members of the Blades.

Weynon Priory Alive

A very nice Weynon Priory overhaul

Agent Subtype: Mythic Dawn

Servant of the Dawn

Disappointed that the main questline of Oblivion once again forces you to be the “good guy”? This plugin allows characters who have already completed the main questline to “redeem” themselves by joining the second wave efforts of the Mythic Dawn.

Skill: Acrobatics

Realistic Gravity

Make gravity more realistic and give a chance to fall down when fall from high. And many other functions to improve control feeling.

Awesome Acrobatics

Oblivion’s jump height and fall formulas suck. However, this makes Acrobatics a lot more awesome of a skill to have. Now, you take fall damage a lot more reasonably, and dying from it looks much more brutal.

Extended Acrobatics

This mod will allow you to do acrobatics moves independent of the game’s Block+Direction+Jump dodge. Why? Just for fun and diversity, and this will also allow you to still dodge if you’re using mods that replace the game’s “dodge” moves, like Deadly Reflex 6.

Maskar’s Climbing Standalone

This mod lets you climb up slopes, buildings,etc without needing to install the entire overhaul! While climbing isn’t acrobatic, it fits with the idea of getting to high places. The only issue I have with climbing is that there is no associated skill — so your acrobatics/athletics won’t help or hinder you here.

Skill: Mercantile

Living Economy OR Enhanced Economy

Both of these mods are a complete overhaul of Oblivion’s economic game in order to make it more immersive. As a result, Mercantile becomes an actually useful skill.

Friendly Merchants buy stolen items

With this mod, you may be able to convince friendly merchants to buy stolen items from you, even if they are not fences. This depends on their disposition towards you, their responsibility, and your fame and infamy.

Skill: Security

Realtime Lockpicking

Gets lockpicking out of a menu and into real time: Your lockpicks are now the currency used to open locks, your skill in Security is your ability at spending them, and getting caught is now a real threat.

Realtime Lockpicking Minigames

Brings lockpicking out of the menus and into real time.

Security Skill Reborn

Now, you should have enough “Security” skill to start the “Lockpicking Mini Game”. I mean, if your “Security” skill is less then the level of the lock, the “Lockpicking Mini Game” will not start. This means, the “Security” will be a very important skill from now on.

Security Rebalance

This mod will randomly trap a little less than half of all locked doors and chests in the game. The harder the lock the harder the trap is to disarm. Masters of security will also have a small chance to extract rare poisons from disarmed traps.

Morrowind Lockpicking

Makes lockpicking like it was in Morrowind – equip one of four new types of lockpicks and attempt to pick a lock in realtime!

Skill: Speechcraft

Realistic Persuasion

This mod makes Personality and Speechcraft important values by making the persuasion mini-game more challenging unless you have decent speechcraft skill.

Small Talk Speechcraft

Small Talk provides a passive alternative to the Persuasion mini-game for raising NPCs’ disposition towards the player and leveling the Speechcraft skill.

Combat Speechcraft

This mod adds the ability to persuade people to stop fighting while in combat. The chance for success depends on your speechcraft skill, on the level difference between you and the enemy and, to a minor extent, on your personality value.

RealTime Persuasion Overhaul

It replaces the vanilla persuasion minigame, with one in real-time play, as well as providing a new bribe system, and options to get NPCs who like you enough to follow you, or wait where they are.

This plugin completely replaces the Persuasion Minigame with a complex, branched, multi-level conversational system.

For Acrobats:

Acrobat Quests

Small quest with with 25 roof-jump tasks, enchanted clothes and player home.

Acrobat’s Secret Hideout

Classy loft in Skingrad – for acrobats. Something you’ve never seen. A lot of special features: see through windows, immersive sounds, realistic lighting system, almost anything is interactable, noble usable bathroom, no annoying falling objects, a new powerful set of weapons for you, etc.

Rooftop Rewards – A Treasure Hunting Mod for Acrobats

This mod adds 84 treasure chests distributed onto the roofs, walls, and mountain tops of Cyrodil and the Shivering Isles.


Wilderness Hideouts

Adds several new locations to the game where you can spend the night etc. if needed.

Vigilante Hideout

Adds a themed hideout in the Market District sewers

Anvil Sewer Hideout

Ever wanted to live in a really fancy sewer? What if I said it was REALLY fancy?

Misty Hideout

In other words this house-mod is just a place to sleep. This is a pure storage area as well. No inventions, gadgets or other fancy stuff. Just crates, barrels, chests and bedroll. And the unique look of course.

Vanilla Quests Befitting an Agent

The Ghost Ship of Anvil | The Siren’s Desception | Caught in the Hunt | The Forlorn Watchman | Lifting the Veil | Two Sides of the Coin | A Brotherhood Betrayed | A Brush with Death | Corruption and Conscience | Separated at Birth | Canvas the Castle | Imperial Corruption | Unfriendly Competition | Umbaccano the Collector | Tears of the Savior | Paranoia | Seeking Your Roots | Zero Visibility | No Stone Unturned | The Sunken One | A Venerable Vintage

As far as vanilla questlines go, most are easy to roleplay into. If your character is motivated by money, the Thieves Guild and/or Dark Brotherhood could work. If your character likes to assassinate baddies, the Fighters Guild (especially with the Fighters Guild Quests mod) could work. If you’re an Imperial agent, the Main Quest is a no-brainer.

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