Glitter’s BG1 Modlist

Just some mods that I use. Hope you find something that you like as well!


BS Balduran’s Seatower: Balduran’s Seatower is a quest mod for BG:EE, BGT, and EET that adds a new area to the city of Baldur’s Gate, accessible via the south-west corner of the Docks District.

Gorgon’s Eye: The Gorgon’s Eye is a content mod for BG:EE and EET that adds an underground thieves den into the town of Beregost. It contains new quests, characters, stores and items. After enlisting in the Gorgon’s Eye, you’ll find yourself undertaking tasks that align with the operations of a typical thieves guild. You’ll be expected to engage in activities such as theft, extortion, smuggling, bounty hunting, and assassination. However, it’s worth noting that there are some satisfying options for good and neutral-aligned players. If at any point you find the guild’s ways aren’t to your liking, you have the option to switch allegiances and aid the City Watch in a raid against the Gorgon’s Eye.

Shades of the Sword Coast: Shades of the Sword Coast is a mod that adds new quests and enhances existing areas. The first game from the Baldur’s Gate series includes many areas that introduce some empty places. This creates a chance for new stories to appear. That is the main purpose of this mod: to add new stories, new characters, new items, and many new chances for your party to show what they are capable of. This is my favorite BG1 mod of all time

Black Hearts: Black Hearts is a new Quest mod for Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition that follows a plotline involving a character from Throne of Bhaal, Illasera, and a Red Wizard plot involving a dangerous new ally that has joined Sarevok’s cause. This mod repurposes fights from the Black Pits module, using those as a basis for various objectives given to players for the questline (with some variations to them in many cases).


Lore from Learning: The Lore From Learning is broken down into more targeted components for the player. However, they all work on the same mechanic: at every rest, your main character will have some time to read books, talk with their party, etc. It is during these rest periods where lore triggers will be evaluated and, if appropriate, bonuses awarded. 

Tweaks Anthology: The Tweaks Anthology is a WeiDU compilation of nearly 200 components of cosmetic changes, house rules, and other tweaks. Some of these were fan requests, others are needed changes, and others simply make dealing with the more irritating aspects of the game engine easier. Each component can be installed separately so the player can pick and choose only which ones they wish to install.

Tome and Blood: Tome and Blood is a mod that revises and expands the class options for Mages and Sorcerers. This mod began as the Sorcerous Origins kitpack, which took advantage of the newly added Sorcerer kit options to add several kits to Sorcerers. It has since grown into a mod that makes changes to all Mage and Sorcerer kits, spells and items as well as adding dozens of new kits, abilities and functionality.

Combat Skill Proficiencies: This mod is all about improving gameplay. While I love mods that bring the game closer to PnP, like Rogue Rebalancing and aTweaks, BG is a single-player computer game. If tweaking a rule makes this specific game more fun, then it’s a good tweak, PnP be damned. Consider this mod as a collection of ‘house rules’ specific to the proficiency systems in Baldur’s Gate campaigns. Every choice has been made with an eye to the particular gameplay mechanics of BG2 and the EEs. Everything is completely optional. You can use as many or as few of the mod components as you want. There is no ‘core’ component; use what you like, ignore what you don’t.

Stat Overhaul: This makes a number of tweaks to ability scores and related aspects of the game rules, such as saving throws, experience points, and magic resistance. Everything is completely optional. You can use as many or as few of the mod components as you want. There is no ‘core’ component; use what you like, ignore what you don’t.


Drake: Drake is crude, sarcastic and never minces his words. Unusually pragmatic and cynical for a servant of justice, he nonetheless follows the ideals of the Tyrran faith, albeit often in… unorthodox ways. He prefers to live through life as it is rather than how it should be, and indulges heavily in drink and innuendo. This puts him at odds with his peers, and his direct personality often causes the same with his travelling companions. For all his apparent faults, however, Drake is honest, reliable and often more intelligent than his demeanor may suggest. He has a strong sense of morality, choosing to see the world in more than black and white. He is strongly devoted to his family above all things, including the Order.

Isra: This mod adds Isra Ghadir, a young paladin of Sune Firehair, to Baldur’s Gate (TuTu, BGT, or BGEE). A follower of the goddess of love, beauty, and passion, Isra isn’t necessarily what you might expect of a paladin. As a result, she’s usually pretty willing to ignore harmlessly chaotic behavior (not evil behavior, though). She is amiable, optimistic, and courteous almost to a fault. She is also still somewhat inexperienced, and not too proud or rigid to admit when she’s wrong.

Sirene: Sirene exhibits many of the typical qualities expected of a paladin; she is kind, dutiful and faithful. However, beneath her calm exterior lies a hidden temper owing to the fell blood which flows in her veins. Though she is a devoted champion of Ilmater, a past of being ostracized and persecuted by those she wishes to call her fellow men has left her unsure of her abilities and worthiness. She can be easily provoked by challenging, insulting or mocking her faith, which can be seen in her interactions with characters such as Tiax, Eldoth or even Xan, though she is also quick to acknowledge and apologize for her mistakes. She is closer to the ‘good’ side of her alignment rather than the ‘lawful’, and prefers protecting the weak to destroying evil. Because of this, she may be slightly more tolerant of evil companions, even if she can also be quite judgmental towards them. However, she will not tolerate Dorn (though they can come to an uneasy truce during Siege of Dragonspear)

Bristlelick: The mod adds a new NPC – a Gnoll Bruiser, a former bandit, who worked for Garclax, a gnoll you may also encounter in the original game during the investigation of the Bandit Camp. Bristlelick is a frontline warrior of neutral character. He enjoys battle, a fine meal, and seeks vengeance for the death of his trusted companion, Bull-Tall. The mod includes a series of timed talks, some scenery talks, and a set of Bristle’s personal items. To make him fit well into the concept, he also received his very own kit. The NPC may join your party near the rocky road on the Bandit Camp area (AR1900). In Siege of Dragonspear, he may join the team near the first camp (BD1000).

Zakrion: The Zakrion NPC Mod introduces a human Duelist to BG:EE. Zakrion can be found near the ship wreckage on the Sword Coast. The mod includes custom portraits and voicing, a friendship track, numerous banters and interjections, and a “semi-romance” with the PC.

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