Glitter’s BG Mod Making Modalongs, Part 6

Journal entries!! Big shout out to jastey for helping me figure out what the hell I was doing.

First thing first, we’re going to make a language folder with .tra files. .tra files are text files with the .tra exension, so we’ll save them just the way we’ve been saving our .d and .baf files.

So, in the Gone Nuts directory, I’m going to make a “translations” folder, and in that folder, I’m going to make an “english” folder. And then, I’m going to create a JournalEntries.tra file to put in there, like so:

Next, I’m gonna write me them journal entries.

@5099 is the name of our quest–the actual entries start on @5100. You can use what numbers you like. I’m just using these because I copy/pasted Lava’s file from Bloodied Stings of Barovia and those are the numbers that were there. Anyway, after the repeated title, we start a new line and have the actual journal entry.

Now that the journal entries are written, it is time to save the file, and switch over to our tp2 file. We are going to:

  • Update the version number from 1.0 to 1.1. If I don’t do this first, I always forget.
  • After the ~VERSION~ line, but before the BEGIN command, we’ll add the following lines:
README ~GoneNuts/GoneNuts Readme.txt~ //this gives people a chance to view the readme before deciding to install the mod. If you don't have a readme make one.

AUTO_TRA ~GoneNuts/translations/%s~ //The "%s" reads in the chosen language folder via LANGUAGE. Currently there is only one.

LANGUAGE ~English~

After the BEGIN command and before the part were we compile the dialogue, we’re going to add the following line:

ADD_JOURNAL TITLE (@5099) @5100 @5101 @5102 @5103 USING ~GoneNuts/translations/english/JournalEntries.tra~

The Title goes in the paranthesis and the entries follow along. If you put this line after where you compile the dialogue, you WILL get errors and issues in-game. Now, our tp2 file looks like this:

Now that our journal entries are nice and set up, we have to actually put them into the dialogue. We’re going to find the parts where journal entries should show up, and put AddJournalEntry(@5100, QUEST) [or whatever number we’re on] in our THEN DO statement, like so:

Adding the end of the quest is similar, but with a QUEST_DONE instead of just QUEST. Like this:

Now that Tannia’s dialogue has had journal entries now, we’re going to do the same thing to our Innkeeper and our squirrel.

Let’s install and test!

Now to test in-game!

Aaaand it works!!

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