The Agent: Oblivion Class Mod Guide

Charming when they can be seen, and nearly invisible when in shadow. Agents are operatives skilled in deception and avoidance, but trained in self-defense and the use of deadly force. Self-reliant and independent, agents devote themselves to personal goals, or to various patrons or causes. This post also includes mods for Acrobats, though it’s mostlyContinue reading “The Agent: Oblivion Class Mod Guide”

Oblivion Dungeon Mods

Vanilla and Vanilla-ish Better Dungeons This is a remake of all the caves in oblivion. Snu’s Dungeons with Compatibility Patches Snu’s Dungeons remakes most* of the caves and mines in Cyrodiil. The dungeons are now “themed” according to their location – dungeons up north are icy; the ones out west are drylands; Blackwood caves areContinue reading “Oblivion Dungeon Mods”

Daedric Mods for Morrowind

Quest Mods The Doors of Oblivion Lets you go to various Oblivion realms and do get quests from Princes and lesser daedra alike. Something in the Water — A Peryite Daedric Quest There must be something in the water… Everyone who drinks out of a certain well in Pelagiad ends up sick! One man’s desperate,Continue reading “Daedric Mods for Morrowind”

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